Corporate Deathburger/Bud – a band from Trondheim, Norway.

Update 04.01.2014:  I just started digitizing my cassette tapes and discovered a lot of unpublished material. Will put it here when ready.

Two guitars out of tune, a cheap drum-kit, and three guys started making some noise in a hovel in late 1987 in Skjetnemarka, Trondheim, Norway. A bass-player and a singer were recruited , and for some months we stumbled through  covers of  “The Anti-Nowhere League”, “UK-subs”, “Metallica” and such. After many threats and being held partly responsible for one of the neighbors sickness and death, the band moved and later got involved with UFFA-hus and Knallsyndikatet/Progress records.


Sinsuck Insanity                     Casette -Demo 4 songs           1988

Evig Pine Tralala                    LP-Sampler. 3 songs               1989

Corporate Graves                     Casette -Demo 8 songs           1990

We’re just in hell for fun       Full album. 8 songs                 1992

Subbacultcha!                          Sampler. 1 song

The band later changed their name to “Bud” and released the EP “Please the pigs” in 1994.


Corporate Deathburger “We’re just in hell for fun”:










Bud “Please the pigs”:

1-Massage abbatoir.mp3

2-Bed in my head.mp3

3-We need an aspidistra.mp3


5-Like godpiss hits the ground.mp3

6-The elephant pig.mp3

7-Maggots hotel.mp3

Unreleased tracks:

Tubedisaster.mp3             A recording of the song by the “Flux of Pink Indians” . From a rehearsal, done with a cheap cassette-recorder. 1994?

Gorge – special edit.mp3 An edited,  unreleased version of the track on the “Subbacultcha!” sampler.

Fried on both sides.mp3 A recording from a demo made as a sketch for a new album (I think). 1994?


Corporate graves (1990):

The First, The Next & The Last
The condemned cell
Terror on terror I & II
Maniacal who





Archie Dahle – founding, fulltime member.

Audun Eriksen – founding, fulltime member.

Arne Langeland – founding, fulltime member.

Petter Dahle – fulltime member.

Skomme (Trond Skaug) member corporate deathburger

Egil Skjelbreid – short time member

Fozzie (Bjørn Stene) – short time member

9 thoughts on “Corporate Deathburger/Bud – a band from Trondheim, Norway.

  1. kjempegreier,legg ut videoopptaka hvis de dukker opp….eller eksister det ? Det var kanskje vanskelig å filme og spille samtidig,samt finne edru nok folk til å filme for dokk!? De harde 90 åra….

  2. Det var en live video fra Hard n Heavy (sammen med Matwrak) Skal h den men muligens ligger den på et lof en eller annen plass. Mener det var noe fra Fenka også?

    1. Så gøy! Det husker jeg godt. Du spilte også i det thrashbandet som covret South of heaven, og spilte med PB på UFFA senere?

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